When your child has experienced the death of a loved one, it can be difficult for you to know what to expect. The fact is that everyone grieves differently – but by answering the following grief assessment questions you can determine whether your child might benefit from the support services at Healing House.

- Has your child experienced changes in his/her sleep patterns since the death?
- Has your child experienced changes in his/her eating patterns since the death?
- Has your child demonstrated changes in his/her academic performance since the death?
- Has your child demonstrated increased dependency since the death?
- Has your child’s overall behavior noticeably changed (increase in energy, acting out more, increased aggression)?
- Has your child been more withdrawn and/or appeared sad or depressed?
- Has your child complained of an increase in physical complaints since the death?
If you answered “yes” to 4 out of 7 of these questions, your child is grieving and could benefit from the ability to act out accordingly at Healing House.
If your child has experienced a death, and you answered “no” to 4 out of 7 – remain aware of these symptoms, as a child’s grief may not become apparent until months after the death has occurred.